The Municipal Council of The Botigues de Sitges aims to achieve several objectives, some that will improve the quality of life of Les Botigues and others of a sensitizing nature for the general population.
And in particular:
Informative participation.
Participation in the study and debate of various issues of The Botigues de Sitges.
Participation in the management and municipal control of The Botigues de Sitges.
The purpose of the Municipal Council of Les Botigues de Sitges is to channel the participation of citizens in the management of the place where they live, ensuring the quality of life of its inhabitants within the municipality of Sitges, acting as a channel for the best citizen representation.
The Municipal Council of "Les Botigues de Sitges" will move in the field of advice and collaboration with the municipal corporation in all matters that it consults, through the preparation of written reports that will raise the 'government team when they agree to request it, and any other type of personal or collective contribution that is within the reach of the Territorial Municipal Council.
The functions of the Board are:
Information on the annual report of the activities carried out during the current year, which will contain the evaluation of the results.
Information and study of the major issues of integral development of Les Botigues de Sitges, such as the urban, social, cultural aspects, etc., without this relationship being limiting, if not just enunciative.
Report annually on the programming of the general activities for the following year, as well as the preliminary drafts of the activity budgets, proposing new activities and analyzing those that are being developed.
Receive regular information on the general progress of the achievement of the principles and objectives, monitoring and coordinating the activities carried out.
To know the specific problems of each sector or urbanization and to study and propose possible solutions in relation to the set of "Les Botigues de Sitges".
Write global action projects that embrace all the residents' associations of "Les Botigues de Sitges".
Inform, advise and consult the City Council on the state of maintenance of public space, infrastructure, municipal facilities and street furniture of "Les Botigues de Sitges" and propose and suggest the improvement of the same as well as collaborate, where appropriate, in its conservation.
Receive information from the City Council on the files for granting requested licenses that are processed with the aim of being able to make suggestions on urban aspects that affect the growth of "Les Botigues de Sitges" and to collaborate in the supervision of the fulfillment of the urbanistic norm of application in the municipality.
Collaborate in the functions of protection and maintenance of forest space and areas of special environmental protection.
Present proposals or suggestions to the City Council in relation to the public services provided to citizens and collaborate, where appropriate, in their provision.
Collaborate with the city council in supervising the management of the road cleaning and waste collection service.
Collaborate in the organization of vehicle mobility in the area of Les Botigues.
To know the economic state of the investments made in Les Botigues.
Participate in the preparation of ordinary and extraordinary municipal budgets when they affect the area of "Les Botigues de Sitges" and monitor their execution and expenditure.
To help and encourage the usual dialogue and collaboration between the municipal government and the associations of "Les Botigues de Sitges".
To promote the open and rigorous debate on aspects that affect "Les Botigues de Sitges" leading to consensual positions.
Propose and promote activities that stimulate the social fabric of "Les Botigues de Sitges".
Make proposals that facilitate the process of achieving a fairer model of coexistence.
To propose and approve the modifications of the regulations of the Municipal Council that will be proposed to the City Council for processing.
Any other attribution that may be agreed upon at the time by the competent body of the City Council.
Agree on the creation of Working Committees.
Appoint the members of the Executive Committee of the Municipal Council who will be the Presidents of each Association
The Municipal Council is structured by the following governing bodies:
President, Vice-President and Plenary.
The President:
The mayor, by decree, may appoint or remove the councilor who is to hold the presidency.
The functions of the president are:
Convene, chair, suspend and adjourn sessions, moderate debates and resolve draws with a casting vote.
Act as spokesperson for the Municipal Council
Set the agenda.
Ensuring the implementation of the agreements that have been reached.
To authorize the attendance to the Plenary and to the work commissions of people of recognized value or specific knowledge, when the treatment of a concrete subject makes it advisable. These people will have a voice but no vote.
Send the reports and proposals of the Municipal Council to the rest of the municipal bodies.
Decide on the creation, objectives and purposes of the Working Committees in accordance with the Plenary.
The Vice-President will be appointed by the Mayor and his functions will be to replace the President, with all his rights and duties.
The Secretary:
His functions are:
It will prepare and send the notices of the sessions, by order of the President with a copy of the minutes of the previous session so that it can be approved.
Attend the session with a voice but without a vote and take minutes of it.
To certify agreements of the Board with the approval of the Chairman.
Receive notifications, data requests, rectifications or any other writing of which you must be aware.
To keep up to date the archive of minutes, the register of member entities of the Municipal Council, the list of representatives, as well as their alternates and representative members of the different bodies.
To guard the documentation of the Municipal Council.
Ensure that documentation submissions arrive in a timely manner.
The only decision-making body will be the Plenary Council. The Plenary will be made up of all its members, under the chairmanship of the Mayor or councilor to whom he delegates.
The functions of the Plenary are:
To be consulted and to debate on the municipal action in the area of the policy of municipal solidarity.
To approve the annual report prepared by the secretary.
Request information and documentation on any matter or intervention that affects the field of action of the Municipal Council
Submit reports and proposals to the town council on issues related to its powers.
Prepare all plans, actions and reports that are required by the city council.
Report on the incorporations, with voice and without vote, of individuals and who have submitted their application for incorporation into the Municipal Council by general register of the City Council.
To report on the incorporation with voice and without vote, of the representatives of those entities of the town, which in their statutes do not have as objective the solidarity, the cooperation to the development and the culture of peace and that have presented its application for incorporation into the Municipal Council by the general register of the City Council.
The Municipal Council will be composed by:
- President: The Mayor or Councilor to whom he delegates.
- Vice-president: The Territorial Councilor
- Secretary: TAG attached to the Board.
- Vowels:
Four Councilors of the Municipal Government, appointed by the City Council
Two councilors of the municipal opposition, appointed by the City Council
The Presidents of each most representative Association and two representatives of each of the most representative associations by legally constituted urbanization according to the distribution of the following zones:
Rat Penat area
Garraf Zone II.
Road Area.
Les Terrasses de Sitges area
Beach area.
Vallbona area
And those others that, with the same objectives as the Municipal Council, are created over time.