Sitges City Council, in line with guaranteeing and improving the participatory processes of citizens in public matters, has established a political project for citizen participation. This commitment to the public contemplates the promotion of the appropriate instruments for the effective participation of citizens in the affairs of local public life.
In order to encourage citizen participation in all those issues of interest in the field of the world of sport, it is necessary to create a sectoral council for sport, a council that must accommodate the plurality of concerns and conditions that currently make up the local sports reality and with the aim of encouraging dialogue between the different local agents involved in local sports life,
Policies must be established that take into account the reality and diversity of the local sports system, in order to guarantee a wide range that promotes and allows the development of all sporting expressions and that brings citizens closer to the practice of physical activity.
For all these reasons, the City Council wants to provide a sector council, where the various opinions and models of expression of sports practice can be expressed and represented.
A body that must be a key tool in the debate and definition of the local sports system, where all the voices involved are integrated and heard, with the aim of studying, evaluating and proposing actions and projects.
The functions of the Board are:
1. To act as an advisory body to the city council in matters within its competence.
2. To propose the creation of specific work commissions, which will approve their own system of calls and sessions.
3. To be informed of the decisions taken by the city council in the field of sports.
4. To propose initiatives to the city council or to transfer those derived from the work commissions, as well as those received from entities, groups, companies or individuals, in order to be discussed by the competent bodies.
El Consell Municipal de l’Esport queda estructurat pels òrgans de govern següents: President/a, Vice-president/a i Plenari.
El consell estarà assistit per un/a secretari/a. Les seves funcions son:
a) Elaborar les actes de les reunions i custodiar la documentació del Consell.
b) Certificar els acords amb el vist i plau del president .
c) Vetllar per que les trameses de documentació arribin oportunament.
d) Convocar el Consell per ordre del/la president/a.
1. l’Alcalde/essa, mitjançant decret, podrà nomenar o separar lliurement el regidor/a que haurà d’exercir la presidència.
2. el president/a tindrà les següents atribucions:
e) Convocar, presidir, suspendre i aixecar les sessions, moderar els debats i dirimir els empats amb vot de qualitat.
f) Actuar com a portaveu del Consell.
g) Fixar l’ordre del dia.
h) Vetllar per l’execució dels acords que s’hagin pres.
i) Autoritzar l’assistència al plenari i al les comissions de treball de persones vinculades a l’àmbit esportiu local o amb coneixements específics, quan el tractament d’un tema concret ho faci aconsellable. Aquestes persones tindran veu però no vot.
j) Transmetre els informes i les propostes del Consell a la resta d’òrgans municipals.
k) Decidir la creació, els objectius i les finalitats de les comissions de treball d’acord amb el plenari.
l) Nomenar els/les membres del Consell.
Serà nomenat/ada per l’alcalde/essa
Seran funcions del/la vice-president/a substituir al President/a, amb tots els seus drets i deures.
1. El Consell Municipal de l’esport tindrà com a únic òrgan decisori el plenari del Consell.
2. integraran el Plenari la totalitat dels seus membres sota la presidència de l’alcalde/essa o regidor/a en qui delegui.
3. El plenari té les següents atribucions:
a) Ser consultat i debatre sobre l’actuació municipal en l’àrea de la política esportiva.
b) Aprovar la memòria anual del Servei.
c) Demanar informació i documentació sobre qualsevol matèria o intervenció que afecti el camp d’actuació del consell.
d) Elevar propostes a l’ajuntament de la vila sobre qüestions relacionades amb les seves competències.
Local agents representing all social sectors linked to sport may be present at the Municipal Sports Council, guaranteeing at least the following participation:
a) President: The mayor, who will be president of the Council.
b) Vice-president: The councilor for Sports, to whom the mayor may delegate the presidency.
c) Vowels:
- The Councilor for Education.
- The Councilor for Children and Youth.
- The Councilor for Social Welfare.
- One councilor from each political group represented on the city council.
- A representative of each non-profit sports entity.
- A representative of each Parents' Association.
- A representative of the teaching sector of each Infant and Primary Education Center, and of each Secondary Education Institute.
- A representative of the students of each Institute of Secondary Education.
- A representative of the Board of Directors of each Casal de Gent Gran.
- A representative of each of the associations or entities linked to the group of physical, mental or sensory disabilities.
- A representative of each company in the leisure and sports leisure sector.
d) The following will attend as advisory technicians:
- The Sports Service Coordinator, with a voice but no vote.
- The TAG of the Area to which the Department of Sports is attached, which will act as secretary, with a voice but no vote.