The objectives of the Municipal Environment Council are:
1. Ensure the conservation, protection and improvement of the environment, the environment, especially areas of natural interest, and improve the quality of life.
2. Ensure education and environmental awareness.
3. Encourage attitudes and habits in the population that guarantee savings and optimal management of natural resources.
4. Foster the relationship with the bodies of the same level of the neighboring municipalities and with the higher bodies.
5. Monitor compliance with legislation regarding environmental regulations.
The functions of the Municipal Environment Council are:
1. Propose studies, projects and programs of local interest in environmental issues.
2. Prepare the reports and studies entrusted to it by the City Council in environmental matters.
3. Develop appropriate proposals for the improvement of the environment.
4. To propose forms of coordination in the programs that the different public administrations develop.
5. Encourage the participation of entities and individuals in activities related to the improvement of the environment, and collect from them the concerns and proposals they wish to contribute.
6. Advise on the activities and actions of the City Council that have an impact on the environment. work of the city council on the environment, as well as the results.
8. The Municipal Council of the Environment may, by majority agreement, make motivated proposals on issues within its competence to include in the agenda of the Plenary Session of the City Council or Government Commission, depending on the importance of the proposal.
9. The Municipal Environment Council can access the information on activities of the City Council that is necessary for the fulfillment of its functions.
Working committees
a) The Chairman, at the proposal of the Board, may set up working committees to deal with specific issues, which shall include the members of the Board who so wish.
b) The Chair of the committees corresponds to the chairman of the Board, or whoever delegates them.
c) The existence of the commission will end when determined by the Council.
The Municipal Environment Council is made up of the following members:
By the City Council:
a) The Mayor, President of the Environment Council.
b) The Councilor for the Environment, Vice-President of the Environment Council, to whom the Mayor may delegate the presidency.
c) The councilors of the Area of the Territory and Environment, composed of those of Urbanism, Projects and Works, Public Road, cleaning and beaches, and Sustainability, or substitutes in whom they delegate.
d) The Councilors for Trade, Prevention and Citizen Security and Culture or alternates to whom they delegate.
e) A representative of each political group represented on the City Council.
By the entities:
Representative entities:
1 representative of the AAVV of Sitges Center.
1 representative of the AAVV of Poble Sec.
1 representative of the AAVV of the Oasis-Sant Crispí.
1 representative of the AAVV of Vinyet and Terramar.
1 representative of the AAVV dels Molins.
1 representative of the AAVV de la Llevantina.
1 representative of the AAVV of Quint-Mar.
1 representative of the AAVV of Vallpineda.
1 representative of the AAVV of La Plana-Can Pei.
1 representative of the AAVV of Can Girona.
1 representative of the Municipal Council of Garraf.
1 representative of the Municipal Council of Les Botigues.
1 representative of the environmental association APMA-La Falconera.
1 representative of the Sitges Hiking Center.
1 representative of the Sectorial Council of Urbanism.
1 representative of the Beaches Sector Council.
1 representative of the Agrupament Escolta Nostra Senyora del Vinyet.
1 representative of Montverd.
Those others that, with the same objectives as the Environment Council, are created over time.
a) An environmental expert appointed by the Environment Council of the Garraf County Council, as an advisor.
b) Other technicians, if applicable, as advisers with a voice but without the right to vote.
A person will be appointed, and his / her alternate, who will be the coordinator of the Environment Council, who will dynamize, moderate and coordinate the sessions of the Council.
The Executive Secretary, or his / her Deputy, of the Spatial Planning and Environment Area will be the Executive Secretary of the Council.